Senin, September 02, 2024

Remembering the 25th Anniversary of the Apikuru Lautem Tragedy


Sources: Tatoli 

 By : Martins,S

In the lands of Lautem, where sorrow endures,
25 years have passed,
In the land where all weep,
To remember the sacred lives lost.

On the 25th of September,
The world witnessed the tragedy,
Sacred men and women, yearning for peace,
Together in the dark path, suffering until the end.

Deacon Jacinto, Brother Fernando,
Brother Valerio and Sister Erminia,
Sister Celeste and Tity Sandora,
Rudi and Agus, serving with devotion.

The crocodiles, with their cruelty,
Swallowed innocent lives, without blame,
But the sacred souls did not disappear,
They shine like stars in Lautem's sky.

For them, cruel world,
Why did you do this?
They, who sought to serve and bring peace,
Now remembered with respect and longing.

In Lautem’s lands, where suffering echoes,
Their memory lives in our hearts,
They have not vanished, just returned,
As part of us, in eternal remembrance.

Young generation of Timor-Leste, remember,
The tragedy is not just a memory,
But about courage and dedication,
For a fairer and peaceful future.

Under Timor's sky,
We remember, reflect, and hope,
For a promising future,
Building a strong, just, and united nation.



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